Erase the information in that window that you do not want to share with others, then save the PDF file. Then use File => Print => PDFCreator, and a window will appear where your name is automatically entered. For example on a PC, in Windows, using Word, click on File => Properties and remove any personal info from the tabs there.Answer: This depends on the program that creates the source file and the program that creates the output PDF file.Question: Is it possible to create a PDF file without embedding my information (first name, last name, etc.)? Is there a way to remove this metadata/property?.Adobe Professional may also be used, however, it costs $449 (no the College does not have a site license), and PDFCreator is free.Ĭreating PDF files while removing author information Windows: The free PDFCreator can be downloaded from After installing PDFCreator, File => Print will have a 'PDFCreator' option that will produce a PDF file from any application. Mac: File => Print gives a 'Create PDF' button in the lower left corner. Windows: Acrobat Reader, Foxit (leightweight PDF reader that many prefer to Acrobat) Mac: comes preinstalled with Mac OS X. 2.1 Creating PDF files while removing author information.